Without small business insurance, entrepreneurs might need to pay out of pocket for legitimate cases against their company. By getting small business insurance for your private company, you’re buying security. This insurance will provide for you in case something terrible happens to the business. Many small businesses don’t have the assets or money to cover claims if they have to pay out of pocket. That is the reason small business insurance is so important for your company.
Let us look at the importance of having small business insurance:
Safeguard Your Employees
Owning a business means you must insure not only your business assets, but also your employees. If you are just starting a business or would like new business or commercial insurance, The Insurance Center of Durham professionals are here to help.
Worker’s Compensation Claim
This benefit can cover medical expenses and time off from work due to injuries received while at work, regardless of whose fault it is. It can also provide temporary and permanent disability awards to injured workers and will protect employers from possible lawsuits.
Protect Your Business In Case of Catastrophe
To protect yourself against lawsuits from customers and suppliers who claim you have caused them property damage, bodily injury or personal injuries, it’s important to have liability insurance. This insurance protects you or your business from third party damages such as malpractice, errors or omissions, emerging from your professional services.
We can help provide businesses, such as contractors, non-profits, restaurants, retail services, health services, including dentists, optometrists and small medical practices, social services, hospitality services and more, with multiple insurance options. See the list of options we offer for businesses of all kinds. Contact us at 919-471-2541 if you live near Raleigh, Cary, Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, Morrisville, NC, or Durham areas.